I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Palmer is a black and tan puppy that was born with hydroencephalitis, which resulted in blindness. Puppies with this condition can survive and live relatively normal lives provided that symptoms resolve.  Other that his blindness, Palmer is a relatively normal dog. He will need a quiet home where he isn't trampled by other dogs or kids - he cries out when he's overstimulated as if he's in pain (according to the vet it's a behavioral trait).  In addition, Palmer's new owners need to be aware that he may develop seizures in the future and will likely live a shorter than average life. There is no way to predict the future for Palmer, but he's been a happy, healthy, fairly normal pup while in TDR's care. Palmer must go to a dachshund savvy home with someone who is prepared to provide the care he may need in the future.

  • Dachshund
  • Male
  • 4 Months OldMy DoB is 11/01/2024
  • Tennessee
  • Black and Tan
  • Kids Scare Me
  • $0.00
Special Needs (Medical)
Blind or Vision Impaired,  Medical Condition
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